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I Love Husband Because

...he taught me how to love myself just the way I am.


It's been a hectic month for me; hence, the lack of posts. I've been busy working, and being a mom. My husbandmis busy with work and his masters. But we make sure we have time for us.

December is my favorite month. Not because it's my birthday month, it's because I love Christmas. Since I was a little girl I get this magical feeling during this time of the year ( not because of the presents...ummm, yeah). And I want to make Christmas as magical to our little girl. See, we have been living in our little home for almost a year now, meaning, it's the first time I get to manage almost everything daily. Also, I'm just new at being married so I've been learning how to communicate better. Moving on (and getting straight to the point), we do not own a Christmas tree (or any tree at all...). I've been wanting to ask Adam if we could purchase one...but I wanted it big, and deep inside I knew he wanted it small. So I never got around to asking. But everytime I look at Bean...the more I itched to get that tree.

Bravely, I asked Adam if we could buy a tree for this Christmas. And he agreed! And we got the size that I wanted, too! He's such a good husband, and a good daddy because I know that he said 'yes' thinking about our little girl. We want Bean to love Christmas, and the meaning of Christmas as much as we do.

Because Adam works during the day, and I have a home based job, I was the one who put up the tree...and decorated it too...with a little help from...who else...but...Madeleine Bean. I was surprised how well behaved she was. She even got the broom and cleaned up in her own little way. Anyway, here are a few photos of this month so far...

December started out bad for me. The first day this month, my iPhone got stolen along with my money, credit cards, atm, and licenses in a bazaar. But my mom told me: "Just think that the things that were stolen from you may be of some good use to the person who stole it. Whatever reason they had, just let it go. It's only material things and can be replaced. Maybe, there is something better coming your way."

True enough, she surprised me with an iPhone (this time in white) after a week. Also, I got my credit cards and licenses back easily. To top it off, my husband, daughter, parents, brothers (+ sister in law) made me very happy during my birthday yesterday. :)

Hope to post regularly from here on.

Happy holidays!