I've been looking for a home based job recently, to help save up for our daughter's education. I know that it is still far off the map, but its always good to be ready. My cousin told me to ask her sister-in-law about her work, because she has been working from home for a few years now. So when I got the details, I immediately e-mailed my resume. They sent back some requirements that I need to accomplish before I know if I get the job or not. I hope and pray that I do, because it is so hard to find jobs here in the country.
On other news, we're teaching our daughter two things. 1. How to walk. 2. Discipline. She's getting more confident with more practice. We recently went to the mall, and as soon as she found out that walking takes her where she wants to go vs. us carrying her where we want to go, she refused to be carried the whole time. She still holds on to mommy though :)
Regarding discipline, I think I could proudly say she learns quickly when she is being told off. Not in a violent way, or stern tone of voice. We usually tell her firmly, "No," or "That's bad," and she gets the idea. Most of the time she just sits quietly and makes a "pity face" like this:
But there are alsontimes that she cries out loud when she doesn't get what she wants. Just sometimes. :)
We're lucky to have ger in our lives. She is such a joy. She has taught me a lot, and changed my life for the better.
I just love her more each day :)
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