I am enjoying motherhood. I really am. I still couldn't believe it. Though I may tell my husband that I get exhausted at times (juggling work, cleaning the house, preparing meals, being a mom, etc.).
During pregnancy, my husband and I read a lot about parenting, babies, parenting, and babies. But nothing prepared us for the real thing. And it is real hard work. One of the things I am proud about (among many) would be establishing Bean's sleep time. From sleeping every two hours, to three naps a day, two naps a day...and then one; I can say that my hard work paid off.
The multiple trips to the crib, and never ending singing of an assortment of songs (some I made up by myself), resulted to a toddler who has a single two to three hour nap daily. Oh, did I mention she sleeps around 9-9:30 PM on her own, too? She even kisses me before hugging her pillow...and whispers "I love you" just before she closes her eyes, off to dreamland.
Lol! I know there's a lot more ahead, but for now, I am quite proud of the things I, we have achieved.
Oh, little miss....we love you so.
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