Tomorrow's the BIG day! You're turning two. How did that happen so fast? I thought that time would pass by a little slow for both of us when I decided to be a full-time mom. I thought that the house chores, mommy duties, and work (from home) would make our days dragging. But, no. Because you're quite a character, you know? You always make me laugh so hard, your antics really do crack me up. You know how to express love in so many ways which me and your daddy really are proud of about you. You are so polite, knowing when to say "thank you, you're welcome, excuse me, I'm sorry, good morning, good night, and see you soon." Just a year ago you talked in sets of two-three words, and now it's in complete sentences!
Just this morning you told me, "Hey, mom, let's watch a movie. I like Toy Story....2." And so we did.
I pray that God guides me in helping you grow to be a person with a good heart, to understand that things are not always perfect, and that life is supposed to be fun. I wish so much for you that I couldn't really list them down. I hope you do know how much I love you, because it just grows and grows, and grows. :)
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