"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."
A girl who doesn't want to go home. She loves the beach. We do, too. It doesn't take much to console her...just a promise that we'd go back in another week or two. I love that she seems to get everything about life at two years old. She appreciates everything and thanks us for the littlest of things. "Thank you for giving me a bath." "Thank you for holding my hand." "Thank you for fixing my hair." "Thank you for you, mama." These are the things she'd thank me for, nothing material and I love it. After surfing she'd be so supportive telling me, "You surfed, mama! You did it! Good job!" It's like she's the mom. And most times, I ask her to spot her daddy out in the water so that we could take his pictures...she'd shout, "There he is! There he is! That's my dad!" I bet that she loves us just as much as we love her.
This day trip was quite urgent and unplanned, but we sure did take advantage of it. Adam was out in the water almost all morning and all afternoon...and I averaged about three hours in the water all day. Before, I was dead tired in thirty minutes. I am proud to say I got stronger. I was able to go out on my own and catch a few waves myself. But I know it's still a long journey for me. I am very thankful for the people who have been teaching me. Really. When I get very good I'd like to give them hugs. And I love that Adam is kind of proud of me too. This isn't something we imagined I;d get hooked on.
Trying to get her to nap on the shore.
Mostly closeouts, but I did have a good time.
I am very grateful, always...for Adam sharing this passion with me, for a very supportive daughter, and the people who continue to guide me.