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"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

So, I admit...I have been holding off on making Bean quit her pacifier. In some ways, it still makes her my baby. Sure, I'd always imagined what kind of little girl she'd be; and now that she's in this stage...I can't help to feel that time tricked me. Though, me and Adam will be stepping up on toilet training her and helping her quit her pacifier. Hopefully, we achieve these things this year.

Though I miss her being a baby and all, I kind of love where she's at. We have conversations that are so unbelievable.  Of course, being her mom I'd tell you she's quite smart; but if you will be able to meet her (and somehow win her heart) you would think the same. too. I also adore how she appreciates everything. Every time I put medicine on a scratch or wound she'd tell me, "Thank you for putting medicine on my ouchie, mama. It feels better now. It's healing." She makes it a point to thank us all the time. When she catches us looking tired, frowning, or sounding hurt, she will always ask, "What's the problem, mama? What's wrong?"

I often feel like there is no age gap between us. I often feel like I won the lottery because of her. I keep on praying that I/we will be able to properly guide her to be a good girl as she grows.

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