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"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

I am posting this late because I have been busy taking care of Bean since last week. She had a case of Amebiasis and developed a Urinary Tract Infection.

Last Monday was ordinary. No, maybe it was a bit special for her because she rarely sees her cousins Jammie and Joaqs. She played with them all afternoon and even snacked on pizza. We even laughed together before I put her to sleep. It was a bit off though that she slept early. It was weird because she was talking in her sleep; I had a hunch that she was sick...to my surprise she had a fever as high as 39.9. Aside from that she was beginning to have diarrhea.

We went to get her checked in the morning. Her doctor suggested to confine her as she was beginning to get dehydrated. So we did. We thought we were only staying the night, but we were there from Tuesday to Friday.

I can say that I am proud of our girl for braving this experience. In the E.R. we were asked to go out when they needed to put her dextrose on. I can hear her shouting on the top of her lungs, "Mommy! Mommy! Help me, Mommy!" I wanted to cry while I was talking to the doctor. Out of desperation I heard her say to the nurse, "Can you please just hold my hand? I'm afraid. Please hold my hand." At that my heart was breaking.

During the days we were there she'd constantly complain of tummy pains. She'd twist and turn and cry to me, "Mommy do something. Please make me feel better." And this experience, I realize, was very traumatic for me. This experience confirmed that we love this little girl above all. Most days I am consumed of my being tired; at night I easily sleep. I sleep between conversations with Adam...but in my heart I would give anything just to make everything okay for our little love.

We promised her we'd be in the beach this weekend; but sadly we have to break it and leave her here in the city. A while ago I thought it would be selfish of me to go; but it would be more selfish if we bring her with us at this stage where she is still recuperating.

I will miss you this Saturday little sea creature. We promise more beach trips to come!

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