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Our Little Date

I love taking pictures of our daughter. Yes, I am smitten. There is absolutely no point in denying it, as my instagram and facebook accounts are flooded with her pictures. I don't really mind if some people think I'm too proud; I just feel so blessed.

Lately, I had a moment to arrange my files; and I found myself looking at Bean's photos from 0 months to the present. I suddenly felt a little sad because time flew by so fast! It sure feels like yesterday I was only holding a tiny blob in my hands; and now she's talking and walking!

Last Friday, our little family went out on a date. "Date," these days mean us three. Though miss just the two of us, we always have a blast with our little miss. We took her out for lunch, some walking, and shopping. She really loves to strut around on her own, making us chase her. We have a few pictures that I'd like to share, just because.

Picking out what to eat from her menu.

Chicken enchiladas

She really is a sweet little girl. She randomly kisses you or gives a hug. That's why she's got some Russian Red on her lips!

Our little bookworm.

Baby got too tired and slept all the way home.

I never really thought being a parent could make me feel so many things all at once: happy, tired, fulfilled, content, in love....and did I already say happy?? :)

In One Afternoon

I got a job! Though I'm still under training it makes my daily schedule more hectic. I go around my baby's schedule. I do not think anybody, but mothers, understand this. We are busy being home-makers, wives, and moms all at the same time! Imagine adding a job to that. It takes a lot of work. Mostly if the baby is now walking around the house like a boss! So here are some snaps of this afternoon:

Look who just had breakfast 😃

Sometimes we play dress up! This little miss loves it, honestly. And now that she is walking, she really does exercise her authority 😉 she loves playing! Me and my husband are not rich. We do not buy her super expensive toys (just sometimes), but we make it a point to make her playtime the best. We are quite a simple family.

And I keep her clean and pretty after her bath 😊

No mom is ever too tired, right? 😉

Running Around

I couldn't believe it! Just when I thought it was impossible for my daughter to learn how to walk so soon, she just did it! September 19, 2012, just a month and ten days after her first birthday! To tell the truth, I was worried because she never learned how to crawl; and only learned to sit up by herself around 11 months. Well, my baby just surprised me. I am so proud she learned how to sit, cruise, and walk in just two months!

Now I have a new exercise routine, chasing her around!

She just busies herself with walking, while I multitask with cooking and watching her. Speaking of cooking, I made something healthy last night, Oyster mushrooms with tofu in oyster sauce.

I know I'm not yet a cooking expert, but it did taste good!

Happy Friday!

Here's a photo of her tired feet!

Without Bean.

Me and my husband had a photography job for a hospital's website for the whole day. That meant that I would be without my little girl. It was heartbreaking. Every dull period I'd think, "during this time of the day we'd be playing." Now I get how hard it is for working mothers.

Anyway, it was also nice to have the whole day with my husband. When we work together on projects, it's like going out on a date. The hospital we went to was so nice! I took a few iPhone shots from dropping Bean off to my grandma's place until the end of the day, since my camera was on official use today.

Little Miss Sunshine

This afternoon the light was too beautiful to ignore. Not that we intended to take pictures, we just took our little girl out for a walk. Well, she looked much pretty with the sunlight and all, so I took some shots with my phone. The iPhone is the culprit on why I sometimes neglect my camera.

Keeping My Fingers Crossed

I've been looking for a home based job recently, to help save up for our daughter's education. I know that it is still far off the map, but its always good to be ready. My cousin told me to ask her sister-in-law about her work, because she has been working from home for a few years now. So when I got the details, I immediately e-mailed my resume. They sent back some requirements that I need to accomplish before I know if I get the job or not. I hope and pray that I do, because it is so hard to find jobs here in the country.

On other news, we're teaching our daughter two things. 1. How to walk. 2. Discipline. She's getting more confident with more practice. We recently went to the mall, and as soon as she found out that walking takes her where she wants to go vs. us carrying her where we want to go, she refused to be carried the whole time. She still holds on to mommy though :)

Regarding discipline, I think I could proudly say she learns quickly when she is being told off. Not in a violent way, or stern tone of voice. We usually tell her firmly, "No," or "That's bad," and she gets the idea. Most of the time she just sits quietly and makes a "pity face" like this:

But there are alsontimes that she cries out loud when she doesn't get what she wants. Just sometimes. :)

We're lucky to have ger in our lives. She is such a joy. She has taught me a lot, and changed my life for the better.

I just love her more each day :)