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how do i...

We just lost a loved one over a week ago. I just lost someone special. I have been itching to write about my grief, yet I find no words for what I feel. Either I try to "try" and accept the situation, or I keep busy so that I can put off dealing with this pain in my heart.

Maybe it's unbearable because I have envisioned a future with that person in it. I am still shocked, speechless, in-denial, and tormented as of now.

But we all have to deal, even if we don't want to; even if we're not ready because that's how life is. It's unfair. We don't always get what we want. For some, things like these things as devastating as this is a test of faith; and if that is so...I am on the losing end. But I am still holding on, trying...hoping that I will not fail.

"Death ends a life, not a relationship." I will seek comfort with this thought for tonight.

I am still thankful to the Lord for blessing me with a strong family, and 
this little girl who cheers me up.
One day at a time.  

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