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Me at 30

Me at thirty years old is so different from me in my twenties. I have never been so committed, so active, so loving, so forgiving and many more! I guess marriage and motherhood did me good. Back then I would live for late nights, alcohol and poker; at present I enjoy being healthy, fit and creative. I used to be so conscious whenever I gained weight, whenever my skin gets tanned from the sun...I always used to care so much about how people perceived me. Here are some facts about the younger me:

1. I used to be anorexic.

2. I was very scared to sleep.

3. I was terrified of being happy.

4. I wanted a child but I didn't like the "gaining weight" part of pregnancy.

5. I spent most of my time daydreaming.

6. I am very paranoid about my friends. When somebody accidentally ignored me...I thought I did something wrong.

7. I loved money. I even volunteered to do overtimes and clock in during holidays for more pay.

8. You would rarely see me in flat shoes.

9. I drove fast....and furious.

10. I was hopeless.

And at present (30 years old):

1. I am happy to say that I eat regularly...sometimes more. I have cheat days...but mostly I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Nope, I quit being vegan.

2. I still sleep late...but hey...I sleep!

3. I bask in the sunlight! I make it a point to choose to be happy no matter what the situation. This is something Adam has instilled in me. It did not go smoothly at first...but look where I am now.

4. I did gain around 33 lbs during my pregnancy...but I really fell hard for motherhood that I didn't really notice the "gains" until my old clothes fit just right.

5. Instead of daydreaming...me and my little family are making all our hopes and dreams come true! I used to dream of doing yoga, going surfing, being a good cook, traveling; I am happy to say I/we are able to do these things at the moment (and hopefully until forever)!

6. "I used to walk into a room full of people and wonder if they liked me; now I look around and wonder if I like them." This quote sums up pretty much of it.

7. I don't care about money... as long as me and my family are healthy and happy I am okay.

8. You'd almost always see me in flip flops or sneakers.

9. I drive safely and carefully. Thank you to my daughter for this.

10. I am hopeful about everything. Though my faith isn't as strong as I'd want it to be...I know that I am getting there.

I guess I've changed a lot because of all the events in my life--good or bad. I got married; had a kid; lost my cousin; I have been happy and sad; I have laughed and cried...I've been a little evil and now I'm all about goodness. Being thirty isn't so bad. It made me see how life is beautiful.

Lately in the City

It's summer...and the world seems to be flat. No surf...nothing; and life in the city made me reflect on some things in my life. It's not very breezy these past few weeks. Our grandmother is in the hospital, and of course, everybody is worried. As much as I/we crave to be by the sea.... our hearts tell us we need some time at home--to rest, to recover, to just be with family and friends. And so.....

I realized that Bean will be going to school this year. That means I get a few hours to myself which sounds nice...but then I get anxious thinking about it because it wouldn't be just me taking care of her and teaching her. What's great about this isn't really having a break from my girl, but knowing that school will feed her curious mind. She never stops asking questions and most of the time our conversations go like this:

"Mama, can I ask you a question?"


"Hey, that's not a nice word, mama. And I said I have a question."

"Oh, sorry. What is it, Bean?" 

"What are you thinking about?"


"Oh. I think your thinking about the sea."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because you like the beach. I like the beach and sea creatures. Did you know that jellyfish can sting you? Then you need to go to the hospital to get yourself healed. But what do sperm whales eat?"

"You know about sperm whales?"

"Yes, mama! Even Orcas!"

So she knows a lot of things about the sea; not just the sea....even animals and how plants are powered by the sun. I think she's smart.

Another thing  I thought about is how to finish the artworks I'm planning to sell or use to start a business since the little miss quit all her naps. I have to get around to doing this!

I also want to be able to improve on my cooking skills and meal planning. Especially because I will be preparing Bean's lunchbox this year. I am excited about this but worried that she won't eat them. She is such a picky eater...so I am taking notes of her favorites.

Taking pictures, capturing moments-- I have been neglecting this side of me that loves documenting life. We have been too busy surfing and I really want to shift my focus on this. So that's another one for my list.

This blog. I would really like to write more in here; and I will be. I have reviewed the contents and noticed that I post about our surf trips mostly and I would like to strike a balance with the things that I place in this space; after all,our life is comprised of more than just the sea!

Two superficial things I also realized: 1. I haven't been taking care of myself in terms of the way I dress. It's always shorts, shirts, tank tops and flip flops! So me and dearest husband have been doing a bit of shopping to update our wardrobe. I couldn't even remember the last time we dressed up for a date! Lol. 2. I am so tempted to get rid of my hair again and sport a sort of pixie! I have done this last 2008 and then 2012...and right now I am pretty bored with my hair....but I am taking my time to think about this because I don't want to regret cutting my hair just because I am bored. Superficial.

Lastly, I have been contemplating on how to get to see my grandma more. I have a hard time finding someone to leave Bean with for a few hours so I can visit her more.

So these are the things in my head lately here in the city. Care to hare yours?