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This year is about to end and it sure did impart a lot of life lessons to me. Last year was about our growth as a family who loves to surf...but this one is about balance. Life cannot always be about just ONE thing. From the passing of loved ones, to Adam's masters, and then to an injury I chose to ignore which backfired at me....I can say we learned the hard way.

We got around to talking about it and we decided to trade in some surf weekends for life in the city to relax and unwind. As for me, I won't be doing any yoga, surfing or any type of exercise at present. I really need to listen to my body...which is telling me to give it a break. If you know me, I wouldn't let a day pass without exercise but I cannot afford to be hard-headed about this anymore. So I need to put up with it. The downside is: it's almost the holidays! Packed with parties and food everywhere, I sure will be ending the year a little pudgier. Yeah?

Adam, being the sweetest husband, booked us a stay at a nearby hotel. It just opened, but it was neat and we had a nice stay. Bean was the most excited about it (mostly because I told her they had a pool). We opted to stay in our room for most of the stay. We took naps, we read, played, watched TV, and we had an early dinner out.

Before putting the little miss to sleep, we played with her and told her stories. Then we had time to read, surf the net, and talk. I told Adam about how I really felt about *paragraph no. 2* and how I wanted to dedicate time to my art and learning calligraphy since I would be having time for it. I kind of regret not following through with my calligraphy since taking up a class last year...but here I am starting again with commitment.

One thing I commend about my husband is his support for the little and fickle dreams I have. One time I told him that I know the things I want to venture into are pointless...but he told me to pursue things not to earn money but to make myself happy. And I am so thankful for him everyday.

Bean and Adam had a very good sleep; while my thoughts kept me awake at 4AM. Not exactly good thoughts but I am slowly learning to set them aside and just find the joy in the smallest of things. We had a hearty breakfast and then went for a swim. Bean was keen to be swimming on her own but her fear is greater which made us decide to get her into swim classes next year; husband swam a few laps...to my dismay, my injured rib(s) also hurt when I swim. I did a few backstrokes for fun. We checked out early and then went to the mall to have lunch and do some Christmas shopping.

This was a very good weekend spent in the city and my favorite part was getting to have time to talk and relax with my loves. 2015 taught me how to stop and appreciate the small things in life and instead of trying to change the situation, I can always choose to change my perception. We hope you had a great weekend, too!

This December

Hello! Well, this blog is due for an update. Apologies, life just happened and by that I don't mean it in a positive way. Death, illness, injury and tidying up connections happened. But what do we do? We try to move on because the days won't stop for anybody. And in attempt to get on with it I decided to set up our Christmas tree this afternoon (and my injured rib made it a pain in the a**). It certainly brightened up my day knowing that I wouldn't be able to do yoga or surf this month. No workouts either.

Anyway, I don't know if I've ever shared it in this space before but I was once one of those who felt the Christmas cheer. Since I was a kid, this time of the year has always been magical to me. As soon as my grandma decorates the whole house...it happens! And the magic is completed with my grandpa playing old Christmas records which would be heard in the whole house. Before and after dinner me, my brothers and cousins would stay in the living room to stare at the Christmas tree and share our wishes for the season. There was a feeling of warmth in the cold December air. And then we grew up. And then the magic was gone.

I have never felt it in years, not until our daughter was born. It was pure delight; I felt like a little girl all over again. And I am forever grateful that she is a part of our lives. She's become my source of strength whenever I'm feeling down.

So, just a few days ago I decided to stop sulking at life. I have avoided writing here because I felt the need to guard my feelings. But now I am ready to be here again. With life's challenges ahead, we still hope and pray that this year's Christmas would still be magical.