I have only been to Baler three times. Last year for our anniversary and the other was way back 2010 when I hated surfing so much. I only came then because Adam wanted to spend time with his friends. You see, I am such a loser when it comes to socializing and relating to other people; but over the years I have come to realize that there is beauty in connecting with others.
I never thought that coming back to this place this time would enlighten me in so many ways. I love how easy life seems by the sea.
We left at past 4 in the morning and arrived around 10 AM. Adam and JP surfed while I gathered the guts to surf at this beach. You see, I am easily intimidated and I second-guess my abilities when I am not familiar with the placea and the people. That Monday afternoon I paddled out and caught zero waves and an injured butt and leg on the shore break.
Oh well, I told myself to just try again the next day. But before that, I would just like to say how I easily let go of my pretensions and issues with food in Baler because the ambiance and the vibe made eating so attractive to me. I have always been working on this area of my life....loving and accepting myself no matter what happens and to enjoy all things in life...especially....eating food.
It was nice to get to surf with Harriet and Alvin who I met way back 2010. I don't really get the chance to spend a lot of time with them but I'm glad they are very nice, not just to me, but to Bean, too.
The next morning, JP and I paddled out to surf the lefts. I just sat there for about 30 minutes doing nothing. Trying to catch waves halfheartedly which only led to failure. I'll paddle hard only to sit down when I have to stand up. Good thing JP was having the time of his life out there. And then I just got tired of belittling myself because all the effort of getting here would be for nothing. So I just took a deep breath and did it...surfed a crowded spot with strangers.
I got to surf with Adam for a little, too thanks to JP! We took turns surfing...and then had lunch at Kusina Luntian owned by Adam, Alvin and Harriet's friend where the food was so great.
The next morning was like the previous one...where I found out that I still need to work on my lefts than my rights. I only surfed for two hours and then I spent the whole morning with Bean. She was such a sport and we were surprised that she didn't want to leave. She fell for the place easily like Adam and me.
All in all, we had a great three days. Thank you Adam, Bean, JP, Alvin, Harriet and the new people I met. Until next time! :)