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                 "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014." 

Well, I have been quite busy being a mother lately...and on a mission to get stronger...so I haven't really got the time to pick up my camera. These pictures were taken with my iPad. Lately,  Bean says the funniest things (with her new Brit accent):

"Daddy, what do you do in your office all day?"

"Good morning, mommy. You have to say good morning to me too or you'd be rude."

"Can I have some milk? It's important."

"Actually, I think I have a problem."

"Please be happy mommy. I love you, is your heart happy now?"

"Can we go to Bali now?"

"Bali is my home. It's my favorite."

"I need to pack my stuff for the beach. I need my swimsuit, sun cream, shovels, and leash." (She'd say this every week).

After buying her toy binoculars...she keeps on saying she's a world explorer.

Oh the dreams we have for you little girl...but for now please don't grow up so fast.

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