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Parenting Lesson

Throwback: Madeleine Bean S. McGee

I recently came across an article on the internet about how a mother can become a "yeller" due to distractions like Facebook, Instagram, to-do-lists and the like. I spent a whole afternoon pondering on this because recently me and Bean spend quite a lot of time hating each other. Oh, you know...just the occasional irrational breakdowns. Normal. But how I dealt with them changed. I am just being honest. 

Contrary to the happy and loving pictures I share on Instagram, yes, we have a lot of "terrible twos" situations in real life. And the article is so spot on! I figured that because I am craving for some "me time" to check on my Facebook or Instagram, to read a few chapters of a book, to get the household chores done, to cook, to organize Bean's toys and our clothes, to clean, etc...I easily lose my patience towards my daughter. 

Wherein when I was less involved in these things; I used to deal with these situations better. My being a "yeller" has only been for about two weeks and I want to stop before this affects the relationship I have with my child. I do not want to be the mother she fears. I want to be the one she goes to when she needs someone. 

Slowly, I am letting go  and letting lose of my "to-do-lists" and distractions. It doesn't matter if the house is unorganized for a while. I signed up for parenthood, not anything else. I loved that article; I came across it just at the right time.

A toddler is so hard to deal with, sometimes they can be smarter than you. True. 

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