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Oh, We Love Fridays

Hi! It's Friday, and that means
We're going out on a date with
daddy :)

Looking forward to eating


and maybe...

a little bit of

retail therapy.

Have a nice weekend! :)


The McGee's

Not Today

The little miss is starting to scare me a bit, just today she tried having a real conversation with me. Yes, complete with hand gestures and all. (I know I really didn't catch much of her "sentences", but oh my! This one's a talker!)

It suddenly dawned on me, that time indeed comes by fast...or too fast. I remeber when I was a kid I'd fantasize about being 18, getting to go out with friends, apply some mascara and lipstick, wear heels; then at 18, I dreamed about my 20s. But today, I just want time to stop, I know it can't, so maybe just move a bit slowly.

Oh, Bean! I know we've created our little magical world when daddy's at work. Just you and me. From feeding, diaper changing, bathing, playing, napping to learning words, learning shapes, colors, drawing, singing, dancing...you and me. Our world is magical, isn't it? Right now, we're best friends.

But one day, dear Bean... Reality will sink in, and you'll grow. You'll have new friends, and you will have to go to school. And I have to pack all my love and attention, and care in your little lunch box so you could still have me with you. Our little magical world, I hope, stays with you forever, in my heart it sure will.

Time, please take a rest, will you? My little miss will sure grow up, but not today :)

Vine App

Hey! We're trying out this new app called 'Vine' where we can put up short video clips of Bean. It's much like Cinemagram.

Follow us if you like :)

Lovin' the Weather

I find this old photo of me quite fitting to what I am about to write today. I love the cold. I am happy whenever the sun isn't out. I love it when it rains. It gives me such comfort. I love that I can wear layers. Also, the fact that I do not, and will not be sweating, makes me feel glorious. But sometimes, I have to like the sunshine because it's the time for Bean to go out and play. Well, not today. During my husband's shifting schedules, he picks Friday as his day off. And I love Fridays because me and Bean get to spend time with him. House chores are easier, and I am able to but in more work. Add the cold weather, VOILA! Total relaxation for me. As I sit here typing, my two loves are sleeping on the bed. Yes I know, they quite enjoy the cold weather, too. Don't you?

I Miss...

Today, I miss my printer. I loved my printer, or any other printer there is! I love putting my photos into print. How I'd love to print Bean's pictures, too.

So, dear printer, what say you we get you inked? The photo papers miss you too!



Terrible Twos, Maybe??

These days mama tries to get some work done, but Bean seems out of sorts. I guess they say that Terrible Twos start early!


And we also had a difficult lunch time.

Ah, I still adore you. I guess work needs to be done another time.

A Letter to Bean

Dearest Bean,

I have decided to write you this letter now (even if you still do not know how to read) because I feel that you are growing up too fast. It amazes me how time could slip by unnoticed.

It seems just yesterday that I was being induced, staring at a blank wall, at the cracks on the ceiling, waiting for you. Yes, you came out via an emergency C-section and left me with a big scar...but inspite of the little vanity I posses, I didn't mind. When I first saw you, I couldn't believe that this tiny human being came from inside me!

Just a year and a few moths ago you used to depend on me for everything; you couldn't sleep without being rocked, you needed me to show you how to play, you needed me all the time.

Now, you're little miss independent trying to do everything on your own. You sleep on your own, you even pick what you want to eat, wear, or play. You shove my hand away when I try to teach you how to play with a toy, because you want to do it on your own. You tell me, "okay," when I've got the blues. You say, "No, no," when you dislike something. Your vocabulary has grown so fast. Just the other day you had new words for me and daddy. "Airlplane, I love you, catch, close, open, apple, banana, bubbles, books, play."

I love that you know how to make things okay after throwing fits on bad days. Even though you haven't learned to apologize yet, I know that you hug me because you're sorry. You always follow me like a shadow when you're guilty, and I find that cute.

You operate my iPad like a pro, and put on your DVD's on your own. Oh my! Where did the time go?

I know most new parents are in a hurry for their babies to grow up, but me? I treasure every day and wish that they pass by a little bit slowly.

I want you to know that you really make me and your daddy the happiest (yes, even on your bad days). Now I understand what my parents always told me when I was rebelling during my younger days-- that they only want to hold on to me a little bit longer.

I love you dearest daughter, more than I could ever say.


P.S. Thank you for the times that you cup my face in your hands, look at me in the eyes for a few seconds, and then kissing me with a loud "mwah" on the lips. Despite of your temper, I know you love me too.

Who's Tired?

Work schedule has been weird lately. I have to do my best to work around 3AM onwards as I do not have time to do work the whole day until night when my daughter is already sleeping. Yes, I'm exhausted but...I feel fulfilled. I am able to help my husband while being hands-on with our child. We could always hire a nanny, my whole family does that...but me and Adam decided that right now this is what we want to have.

Yes, we are tired from work and being responsible for a tiny human being, but we wouldn't have it any other way. We are obviously smitten with our little one (who ain't so little anymore.

Because it's cold outside.


Tired little owl.

Bedside essentials.



This Thing Called Love

When I was younger, I decided not to ever have kids because I was afraid of responsibility, and I was too selfish. Yes, the world revolved around myself. It was always about the things I wanted to do. I loved being able to be free. I treasured the time I had to focus on art and photography, to read my books, and watch all the programs I wanted. I said selfish, right?

Yeah. But people change. How I wanted to take back all those selfish thoughts when I found out I was about to be a mother. More so, when I had my baby. Truth is, I was afraid, as much as I was happy. How on earth could I ever be responsible of this little person? How do I provide her everything, when I don't have much?

Well, love finds ways...plus a very supportive husband who is very much in love with your bundle of joy.

Bean is now 17 months old. And boy, does she have character! Whenever I talk to her she'll wave her hands and say, "Okay." Did she get it from me or her daddy? Well we guess so. When we try to make her do something she's uninterested in she wiggles her index finger and tell us, "No, no." When she drops something, or if ever anything goes wrong, her eyes widens (as if it's never wide enough) and she says, "uh oh!"
When we ask her, "What's your name?" She points to herslef and answers, "Bean!"

She often offers me her hands and says, "Mama, play." Yes, I fall for her more each day. When she sees me troubled, or down she just hugs me and says, "okay," I figured this means "it's okay," because that's what we do whenever she cries. Oh what a sweet child!

But she has bad days too, when she decides to throw a fit just because. So don't be fooled. But even though there are bad days where I also get to lose my temper and my mind, I would always choose to be Bean's mother. Because no matter how difficult things go...I know she loves us just as much as we do love her.

Oh, she also gives us random hugs and kisses while saying, "wuvyou!"


Have a happy week ahead! :)

Bean's OOTD

I love dressing her up in comfy clothes which are not too girly, yet not too boyish. Bean is a very active baby, so dresses are rarely worn as she doesn't really move well in them. I think the outfit that I picked suits her personality well though.

Here are a few photos of Bean today:

I know I over post photos of her, but I'm her mama...soooo.....well you know how it goes. :)

I was supposed to let her wear her Chuck Taylor's but we couldn't find them lol.

Have a great weekend!

It's Been a While

Uuuggghh the holidays were so busy. Literally, that I did not have the time to do anything for myself. The year started with a sick husband, then a sick baby, and then a sick me. So Imagine two sleepless weeks...plus one whole week of being sick yourself. Swell.

I do want to apologize to my little girl for being cranky and short tempered, but I'm kind of back to my old self. Bean is also fever free. Though her appetite hasn't been very good lately, and she has lost weight. I am very worried that last night I cried myself to sleep.

This morning I tried to mash her fruity breakfast as I have come to the conclusion that she is teething again. Well, she ate it! :) I am a very thankful mama today.

She also has been snacking on crackers today. Pheeew. But she refuses her milk. I guess that's okay if only I can make her drink water. Oh well, one step at a time.

We went to the playground this morning, and that's a picture of her telling me a looooong story.

First Day of a New Year

2012 you came around too fast for me. I feel old now. Though I didn't notice that you've already ended yesterday...I thought about some highs and lows you brought during your stay.

2012 was full of changes:

-moving into our own place
-deciding to raise Bean without a nanny
-we turned 31, 28, and 1

Some lows of 2012:

-me adjusting slowly to being away from my parents and siblings
- getting a pixie cut
-some financial troubles
-my iphone got broken
-my iphone got stolen
-Bean got sick on her first birthday
-Bean did not learn to crawl

Some highs of 2012:

- I learned to cook
- I learned to bake
- Bean learned to walk a week after her birthday. (Real walk, not falling down or holding onto anything)
- Bean talks so much, making use of real words, not baby words.
- I got a home based job
- we got to travel abroad
- Bean got to meet Mickey at Disneyland
- Adam got an iphone
- my iphone got replaced
- Adam got a PS3
- he gave me an Instax for Christmas.
- a cousin for Bean.
- a sister-in-law
- me being a super mom who now knows how to clean the house, cook, take care of a toddler, work, and workout.

Most of all,

- I can now kill a cockroach!!

Happy New Year to all.

Here are some photos of what made December extra extra special:

and, Bean's first midnight kiss for mommy
New Year's eve.