2012 you came around too fast for me. I feel old now. Though I didn't notice that you've already ended yesterday...I thought about some highs and lows you brought during your stay.
2012 was full of changes:
-moving into our own place
-deciding to raise Bean without a nanny
-we turned 31, 28, and 1
Some lows of 2012:
-me adjusting slowly to being away from my parents and siblings
- getting a pixie cut
-some financial troubles
-my iphone got broken
-my iphone got stolen
-Bean got sick on her first birthday
-Bean did not learn to crawl
Some highs of 2012:
- I learned to cook
- I learned to bake
- Bean learned to walk a week after her birthday. (Real walk, not falling down or holding onto anything)
- Bean talks so much, making use of real words, not baby words.
- I got a home based job
- we got to travel abroad
- Bean got to meet Mickey at Disneyland
- Adam got an iphone
- my iphone got replaced
- Adam got a PS3
- he gave me an Instax for Christmas.
- a cousin for Bean.
- a sister-in-law
- me being a super mom who now knows how to clean the house, cook, take care of a toddler, work, and workout.
Most of all,
- I can now kill a cockroach!!
Happy New Year to all.
Here are some photos of what made December extra extra special:
and, Bean's first midnight kiss for mommy
New Year's eve.
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