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November Trip 1: Zambales

Yet another trip to the beach. Indeed, I miss being young and carefree. Gone are the days I was under the sun every weekend, with tanned skin, dry hair, and good company. What I thought life was caught up on me because I thought life was work--earning for a living.  Lately, I realized life is what you make it out to be; it is meant to be made up of dreams that need fulfilling. One cannot live imagining and wishing for so long.

I have held back on almost all the things I've listed on my bucket list because of the things that I thought were nightmares. My mind really gets to me. For one, I always let my size hinder any activity I'd like to pursue, even any interaction with other people. I always think that people will judge me because of my size. I used to be big, everyone knows that. And losing weight has also been my obsession.

Now, nearing the last year in my twenties, I feel that change is inevitable. I need to get moving and do something in my life--make my dreams reality before it's too late. I don't dream as big as being rich or being famous...what I want is to be happily doing the things I love. And I am in a place where I am already acting upon it.

Yoga. I have always dreamed to be so committed to do Yoga. I am somewhat impatient with things that are in progression. I used to be someone who wanted things to happen in an instant. I thought that a few classes of yoga will transform me into Kino MacGregor. But yoga has taught me patience, that if I want something to happen I should be willing to work hard for it. And five months of hard work indeed made me strong enough to do a headstand. Call me crazy, but I practice Ashtanga 6 times a week...no matter what. Even if sometimes people think I am crazy.

This weekend was great because I also developed an interest in learning how to Surf. I have tried this last 2010 in Baler...but thought nothing about it after. I also tried a few months ago in a wave pool. Adam always tells me about how addicting it is, I just never got bitten by that bug...not yet, or so. This weekend he asked me to give it another try. And just a few minutes before the instructor was about to orient me I was begging Adam to let me off the hook. I was nervous and out of sorts. No, I am not afraid of the water--I am afraid of not knowing what to do, I told him. Well, his reply was nothing short of the obvious: "That's why you are going to learn...so you know what to do." Ummm...yeah. The instructor told me the basics, established that I am goofy-footed...and out to the water we went. I must say...I was able to stand up on my board the first try, and the second...and third. I fell off twice in an hour. With that experience, I felt happy. I get what is addicting about it...that my I made up my mind to include this in my list of things to accomplish. I don't know if the instructor was just complementing me to motivate me to learn, but he told me I can learn to paddle on my own and ride fun waves in a few days. He told me I can be good at it. Really? I never thought so.

Don't mind my face and form...I need to work a lot on this. My goal is not to ride giant waves, just fun waves....just good enough to do it on my own, with my husband and daughter.

We also met up with my family and stayed at our beach house. I honestly love that place with all my heart, and all the talk about selling it shatters it into a million pieces. Most weekends of my college life were spent here. I even had a drafting table there to do my work while vacationing. Here are a few snaps of our stay, and also my youngest brother's birthday lunch in Subic:

And of course, the heavy traffic home...

Dearest Adam,

I promise to show as much commitment to learning how to surf as I do with my Yoga practice. This is not because you also do your best to practice Yoga with me, but because I find that this is something we can do together. And in the future, with Bean. Above all, you were right all along...about how addicting it is...and how it can teach you about life.

From your Mrs McGee.

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