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 "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

And we're back at the beach. Bean really loves it there. She does not ask for her iPad or anything else. She's happy and content running around the resort and being creative with anything she can put her hands on. 

I saw her pick up these fallen branches and I asked her, "Are you an "ent?" She answered, "Mommy, what ever is an 'ent'....I am a tree, you know that right? This is my costume but I have a shirt with stripes. So I am a zebra-tree." Creative, right?

I thought her turning three would be a slow transition from being a "baby"....I was wrong. She insists that she is a "kid" now ans that she shouldn't be doing baby stuff. "Mommy, those are for babies but I'm a kid so I don't like that." "Mommy, can I go with my friends? But you have to stay here okay, or maybe you should go away."

Last Saturday afternoon I was panicked because I lost sight of her and when she heard me call out her name she answered back, "Mommy! Just relax! I'm okay." And there goes my baby girl. Maybe one day you'd be ripping, eh?

Happy weekend!

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