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how are you?

How long has it been since I've last posted? I don't really remember but I remember being in a hurry to write and publish. I've missed this; the documenting of my (our) life. It's just that being busy and uninspired happened. I am on the verge of getting lost and it is quite complicated in a way. I am not lost in motherhood, rather I am lost as an individual without being a mother.

Yes, I do know what my passions and hobbies are....and yet I feel empty. I feel this because everything I do lately always has to be hurried. My children are my greatest passion; but it got me thinking....if I take out being a mom out of the equation...who would I be?

So I took time off this space to reflect and really think. And I've listed mini goals I want to accomplish for the rest of this year. I am a "list" person...making lists makes me happy and it makes me more inclined to get things done.

With all this, I want to know....HOW ARE YOU?

Me--I've been busy juggling two kids, housework, art and exercise. It is no joke having more than one kid around....mostly when their age gap is a bit farther because your time will be demanded by both in very different ways.

It has been a rough transition for me and Bean. Contrary to my "happy" posts on Instagram...we do have a lot of bad days. We argue like best friends--either I act like the child or she acts like the adult. I admit that my patience has grown thin...and this mama is just so tired but I know what I have to do and lately we are coping.

We also made new house rules for Bean to teach her about responsibility and the consequences of her actions. Adam and I are exposing her more to art since it's one thing she loves to do rather that giving her time on her iPad or the TV. And in just a short time I find that it's working. She is less of a brat and is willing to connect more with us.

With Ellie, she is beginning to be very active and talkative. She's very easy to take care of: she takes her naps and her sleep on the dot. She doesn't need to be held. She is easy to feed and is happy and pleasant all the time...BUT... she clings to me like there's no tomorrow. The only time she would cry is if it isn't me that's with her. Bean has already admitted that sometimes she feels that we love her sister more than her but we explain to her that babies are very dependent and that when she was a baby everything that we are doing to Eleanor we did with her, too.

Last July, I signed up for online classes in watercolor to add to my technique. I am so glad I did this because it really helps me cope with my anxiety and it is a form of relaxation for me. Also, this got me thinking about conducting workshops for those who want to learn my style of painting. I am just so busy that I haven't gotten around to organizing this....but SOON.

And to conclude, because I missed my blog so much I promised myself to be more present here from this moment on. I want to continue documenting the growth of my children, my marriage, our family and myself as an individual. I will be posting more from hereon.

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