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To the Beach

This weekend we went to my parents' beach house in Zambales. I really love it there. I always never want to leave. Way back in college, we used to go there almost every weekend. I guess someone else is loving it there, too!

Bean loves the water, I can't verbelize it. She's a natural. Not afraid to stick her head in the water! She learned how to lean forward and kick in just an hour of swimming. She loves the waves, too. We can't help but feel proud.

We're dead tired from the long drive, but it was worth it!


Before the husband and the baby, I was a very driven "artist". Yes, I am a licensed Interior Designer, but I am more interested in photography...always was, always will.

I remember when I was in the second grade, we had a school field trip. I was stoked because it was the first time my parents let me borrow a camera. I think it was the disposable type, I don't really remember. Anyway, I went crazy at the museum, at the zoo...I went crazy shooting everywhere. But the thrill was in waiting for the films to be developed. I always save up part of my allowance so that I could buy a few rolls of film, also, I save up to get them developed. It was my dad who prompted my interest in photography, as he is in love with it, too.

I also remember saving up for my first digital camera (the point and shoot type) during early college. My dad offered to pay for half the cost as he wanted to know if I really enjoyed photography. I used to borrow his Nikon F90x, but hey, it's easier to take a picture with your digicam and upload it straight to the computer than scan your developed images.

Because I studied in the field of the arts, I often saw other students with their DSLRs, but I had no budget for that. I was surprised that my parents gifted me with my first (and only) DSLR. That summer, after graduation, I experimented a lot. A year later, I was over the kit lens and purchased my most favored lens of all.... 50mm, f1.4! I am so in love with that lens that it almost never comes off the camera.

Because of a friend, who shares the same interest...the feel of film came back. My boyfriend then (now my husband) gifted me with a Holga. I also bought a Rolleiflex TLR. My creative juices were at a high, there were always new ideas.

Then I got pregnant, married, and had a baby. Because of my new found love, being "motherhood", photography had to take a back seat. I never really got my groove back until last Christmas, when husband gave me an Instax Mini.

Today, I just suddenly itched to take photos again. So here are a few pictures from today:

And here's an experiment I did with my Instax:

My darling daughter, helping me dispose of the used up Instax cartridge. :)

I better start taking photos again.

It makes me very happy.

It's Summer

....and I spent this afternoon with these two. :)

instax on the wall

This afternoon, me and Bean started to put up our polaroid wall. Ummm, I'm not really sure I should call it that since we use an Instax.

I really love this camera, the films are just pricey...ummm well...

Anyway, she loves looking at the photos and telling me who the people on the photos are. We hope when daddy sees it, he'll love it too!

Good day! :)

All the time in the world


I am enjoying motherhood. I really am. I still couldn't believe it. Though I may tell my husband that I get exhausted at times (juggling work, cleaning the house, preparing meals, being a mom, etc.).

During pregnancy, my husband and I read a lot about parenting, babies, parenting, and babies. But nothing prepared us for the real thing. And it is real hard work. One of the things I am proud about (among many) would be establishing Bean's sleep time. From sleeping every two hours, to three naps a day, two naps a day...and then one; I can say that my hard work paid off.

The multiple trips to the crib, and never ending singing of an assortment of songs (some I made up by myself), resulted to a toddler who has a single two to three hour nap daily. Oh, did I mention she sleeps around 9-9:30 PM on her own, too? She even kisses me before hugging her pillow...and whispers "I love you" just before she closes her eyes, off to dreamland.

Lol! I know there's a lot more ahead, but for now, I am quite proud of the things I, we have achieved.

Oh, little miss....we love you so.

Faith and Smiles

These days I feel so troubled, worried, and restless.

It's quite hard knowing that a loved one is not well.

And all we can do is pray, and leave it up to Him.

But isn't that what faith is all about?

So that's what keeps me going.



this little miss

with the brightest smile.

Lately, We Need to Be Strong

These days, our family is facing a great ordeal. I've been worried, anxious, and out of sorts because of this. But I am never going to give up; I will just let God. Every minute of my day I say the same prayer over and over. I try to busy myself when I remember.

It's funny how life surprises us, good or bad. We are never ready. But dearest God, we really need you right now.

Even with all this, I still find His blessings daily. Thank you for the gift of life.

Siem Reap Day 1

I was so excited to post our trip ever since we got back to Manila, but because we were so tired from the early morning flight, and there came a very big challenge for our family, I held off posting anything because I didn't feel ready. Before I get on to my post, it will be very nice if you (reader) can say a little prayer for my family as we are facing a great challenge these days. I thank you in advance, this little prayer would really mean a lot to me, to us.

Let's start off with day 1. I will be posting by day because one long post might be too draining. Also, as I have stated over and over again...getting to see the Angkor Temples is my childhood dream, so I'd probably be blabbing a little to much which might result to a novella of some sort. :)

We decided to wake up late on our fist day at Siem Reap because we arrived late the previous night (delayed flight). Husband and I agreed on taking it slow (not running around all the temples at once0 as we have a toddler wit us. Surprisingly, the little miss is a very great travel buddy. no complaints, no crying, nothing! I couldn't believe it until now. Anyway, we hired a tuktuk driver (tuktuk being a type of transportation) and showed him a list of the places we wanted to go to so that he can break it down and arrange it into a three day tour. He happily obliged, and off we went to see the first area on our list: Angkor Thom.

I have more than a thousand photos in my SD card, but I will be posting just a few that I want to share. The rest will be uploaded from time to time either on my Facebook or instagram account. :)


The photos above are taken at the Bayon Temple. This was the first temple we went to see, I was already in awe. Imagine how jaw dropping Angkor Wat will be! After this temple we went to see other temples such as: Baphuon, Elephant Terrace, and the Terrace of the Lepper King. Bean was already having the time of her life exploring the temples. We were always there to watch and guide her though, as the temples were gigantic in size, she may slip or fall from heights you couldn't even imagine.

We went back to the hotel during lunch time, as it was so hot. We headed out to see Angkor Wat around three in the afternoon. :)  The gates to the Angkor Wat took my breath away, the temple itself left me speechless. It's like I fell in love with the place!

Some details along the halls of the Angkor Wat. These are very detailed!

This photo will show you how massive the temple is! I wouldn't dare tell you how nervous I felt while taking this photo. But, yeah I trusted my husband that he wouldn't drop the little miss!

Okay, I was already a little drained, hence, this face.

It's hard travelling with a toddler in a place such as the Angkor, but just take a look at that face! Who wouldn't want to carry that up and down those ruins! I will be posting days 2 and 3 and more soon! :)
Thanks for visiting!