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 "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014." 

I can't believe I've come this far with this 52 Project. And I am quite scared to look back at the photos I took from early this year. Don't get me wrong; I am very happy about motherhood it's just that it seems time passes by so fast! Now I have this little girl I could converse with about anything!

Anyway, sorry for the low resolution photos I took with my phone. We just really found her cute during our car ride to the mall. Since Bean declared that she's no longer a "baby" but a "big girl" she uses the potty regularly, sleeps in her room, and rides at the back all by herself. Well, knowing the traffic these days we guess she couldn't help but drift into slumber! The photos are arranged chronologically. Adam and I found her drifting in and out of sleep...smiling and then closing her eyes, swaying left to right and then right to left. Oh how adorable!

Also, Bean always tells me she wants to grow slowly because she doesn't want me to get old. I asked her if she knows what "growing old" means...to which she replied, "Yes. It means you will have no energy and I will take care of you."

Is she really just three years old????

It's Friday tomorrow. Our weekends are still busy so I don't really know the difference...but to everybody...I hope the weekend comes sooner. Enjoy!

Surfing: All Hard Work Pays Off + 41/52 of my 52 Project

It's been exactly 11 months and 14 days since I was first pushed into a wave. Honestly, I never thought I'd be sticking with this until now. I also never thought I'd get past the stage of being pushed by an instructor. It hasn't even been a year yet...but I feel as if I've been doing this for a long time.  Last Sunday was the first time I surfed. And by "surfed" I mean that I was there alone doing my own thing. Aside from the tips and reminders Adam gave me before paddling out...it was just me, the unfamiliar sea, and a lineup of strangers except for Adam and Joan.

As I positioned myself in the lineup, I decided to just sit and watch. I have this bad habit of belittling myself when it comes to these things. I just studied the waves and the hierarchy out there. And then it nagged on my mind, "What's all those months being pushed wave after wave perfecting your balance? What about the times you paddled like crazy just to get out there? What about all the people who who encouraged you and worked so hard just to help you get stronger, braver and smarter in the water? What was it all for if you're just going to sit and watch?" So, I decided to catch a wave. I missed a few times...and then I tried to recall all those months of trial and error and tips from my mentors (and husband)...and I paddled so hard....finally, I caught a wave. An overhead wave at that! Well I was able to ride it for about what....a second or two before the speed and power of the wave left me behind. I got tumbled under but I surfaced with a smile on my face. I finally figured out how to catch darn waves! This happened a few times for the whole morning...me catching waves...but failing to keep up with it's speed. I was again thinking of all the things I was taught until everything fell into place. I was riding waves this weekend...I was picking which ones to catch by my own judgement. I was so stoked.

But among other things, there were also more lessons learned last weekend. I learned that it's not my fault that I popped up above somebody because I was in priority of that wave. Imagine my horror when somebody was suddenly under my board still paddling while I was already up and about to ride. I bailed but the board hit that person. I was also horrified when I caught a wave and then somebody suddenly paddled in front of me! Also, that moment when I was paddling out back to the lineup but failed to make it on a big set. I forgot to bail and the lip literally threw me away. I got tumbled under for a few seconds; couldn't figure out where was up and down...when I popped out of the water the board I was holding wasn't even mine. Funny...but it kind of left me a little stunned. We also got cuts and bruises on our feet because of the rocky bottom of that certain surf spot.

I know I am just starting in this journey and I have more to learn...but for now I am happy to be surfing on my own. I am also so in sync with my husband's 8'0 board that we already switched.  We had a great weekend. :)

And now for the second part of my post:

 "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014." 

I missed this little nugget when we went to surf without her. But we realized that sometimes we really need time away from her. I think Bean needs it too. Because she was extra sweet and extra good when we came home. But....she was so smart to have figured out where we went. I guess it was the sunburn...or the smell of the sea...or the bag of wet clothes...

While we were eating dinner she asked her daddy: "Did you go to the beach?" We cannot lie....so Adam told her we did. To which she replied with a stern face: "But you did not bring me." So we promised to take her next time. The day after I told her we had to dress up to do the groceries and she told me she didn't want to go to the mall; she just wants to go the beach. Aaaah, we feel so lucky she's such a trooper!

So that's all for now. We're busy recovering from that epic trip.

39 & 40/52

 "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

So I am a bit late in posting on this project...but I found the time. I have been busy learning a few things and making things for family members during my free time. Also, we were able to squeeze in two days of surfing! Phew! Finally!

And this little girl has begun to sleep in her own bed in her room for two weeks now. Same with potty training. I am so proud of the person she is becoming. Every time she sees me worried she'd ask me to be happy. When I am tired she'd tell me, "It's okay; everything will be okay, mommy. Just be happy."

She will often ask, "Do you like me?" And when I say "yes," she replies, "I like you too."

She also doesn't ask me to accompany her in school so I just sit and wait until her class is through. When Adam tells her she's our baby...she'd always correct him and say, "No, I'm a big girl." I feel as though I have been robbed three years of my life! It went by so fast!


And during our surf trip, she had a blast of course! She professes her love for the beach on a daily basis. And what I don't get is her obsession with Roxy. She gets all excited even just seeing the logo. Bean always tells us she loves to surf even if she hasn't started yet. She recently told me she wants to learn even if she's scared. That's a good start, isn't it? :)

We hope everyone has a great week ahead!