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  "A portrait of my daughters, once a week, every week, in 2019."

This 52 Project hasn't been smooth sailing as I haven't posted weeks 6 or 7-9. Sometimes life happens. I've been going through a lot, emotionally and while I am not completely okay I can say I'm better. I spend less time on social media these days and I am glad for it. Anyway....here are some photos I snapped of my daughters this week.

Bean is doing well in school--she's doing great. In fact, she ranked first in her batch come the third quarter. I really really want to keep this to myself--but understand that I am just so proud of her and our team work of course. Call me, OC but I keep track of her lessons every start of the quarter--this is not for her but for me. We do not pressure her to study--never. As long as she does her homework then she's free to do what she wants. Some ask me how we deal with Bean's school work--nothing special really just: 1. Do your homework. 2. A week before exams I read her lessons so that I know what to ask her when it's time for her to review. Adam makes mock math quizzes for her on our small black board. Aside from that, we just really love to read.

But my relationship with Bean is quite complicated lately because there is a lot of conflict with our personalities as she is becoming her own person and not the little girl who used to idolize me. She speaks her mind freely and that's what gets to me. It's not always rainbows and sunshine...sometimes it's a gloomy day for both of us.

With Ellie it's a different story. This girl is full of energy that I feel drained at night time. But she's the kind you can't resist. She now knows how to count and sing the ABC's. Bean was way early with talking and Ellie has just started talking in sentences. No matter, everyone just adores her. Even her big sister can't help it.

It is also so hard to capture Ellie with a camera. She doesn't like it, unlike most kids you can order to pose, Ellie runs away when she knows you're taking her picture.

Hopefully I get to be more present in this space. I know I will be. Until next.

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