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"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014." 

She is growing super fast! Sometimes I forget that she's not the little munchkin who always follows her mommy and daddy. She has her own preferences and her own way of getting what she wants. She can be quite persistent and we are still trying to find a way to discipline her. Like in our trip to Singapore just a few days back (which I will blog about next in parts). Bean wanted a $9 ice cream and we just couldn't say yes as there are cheaper alternatives. But off she went with her godmother, Lora to get one. I let this pass as they (and we) rarely see each other. Bean insisted in picking her own flavors even if I said it wouldn't taste so good. Well, good thing she ate it!

Actually, most times...when other people will spoil our daughter I kind of feel warm inside because I know she is loved. I also know that there will come a day that we will figure out how to lessen her being so domineering. Haha!

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